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Friday 11 December 2009

Oh Christmas Tree ...

Day 11 Oh Christmas Tree ...

Last year we got this super bas for the tree, saves spending hours messing about with the trunk making it small enough to fit the old plastic one. Also holds the tree upright, we can water it with this base too, so much less shedding of needles.

We always have white light, hundreds of them!

Emily sorting the lights, after we spent hours finding the dead bulb, the last one on the wire,the opposite end to where we stared testing - of course!

Me - still sorting lights...

Catherine starting with the decorations.

The angel in place, I made her some yeas ago.

Magpie even got in on the act, must be missing the pine trees of the forest!

My page from 2007:

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tree, so pretty and I bet it smells amazing. I love real trees but haven't had one for a few years sadly, I just loved opening the lounge door and the real smell of Christmas would come drifting out, brings back so many memories of christmas as a child. Made me chuckole to see your lights all tangled, mine are always the same too and we end up with trails all over the lounge floor and out into the hall lol..xxx


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